Chapter 2698 A Tempting Cock On Vacation:>>Ep190
- The first thing Pam did after Mike escorted her to safety, was to slip away from him and into the women's locker room. She felt awkward having nearly been caught by his wife, and even though her body still craved a sexual release, she was relieved to distance herself from Mike.
- Once alone, she eagerly discarded her towel and stepped into one of the showers, where the hot water, lingering oils, and her soapy touch only served to intensify the incessantly simmering arousal fueled by the outrageous locker interaction with Ron. After allowing her hands to freely roam for several seconds, Pam's thoughts began to wander and it became evident she wouldn't squelch these yearnings by allowing herself to masturbate in the women's locker room shower. Her mind was too scattered, not to mention the potentially awkward embarrassment of someone walking in and seeing her through the clear shower curtain, her fingers buried between her legs.
- As she continued to recall the past hour or so, the reality of what she'd done, and been through, settled upon her, and the thought of facing Ron and eventually having to address what had happened began to weigh heavy on her mind. After drying off, Pam had no choice but to put on her only clothing, the white bikini. She exited the ladies' changing room and made her way back to their condo. Her hard nipples were plainly evident and drew several second glances from the college boys she passed, all not much older than Ron. She did her best to ignore the lustful leering and her own body's undeniably hedonistic response, instead focusing her mind on the task of having to diffuse what was certain to be lingering sexual tension between her and her daughter's boyfriend.